Offspring of:
All Aglitter Aces High of Kelsemi
(M) Aug 23 2001, 1172-1397916, Shaded Golden Persian
Sire CH All Aglitter Sir Kip of Dalee  (M) Aug 10 2000 0132-1342965 v1201 Shaded Silver Persian
Dam La Gemini Sweet Charity  (F) Dec 4 1996 0133-1104455 v1197 Shaded Silver Persian
Litter 1
Aug 5 2002
CH All Aglitter Tigerlily  (F) Dec 3 2001 3073-1397913 Shaded Golden CPC
  1. All Aglitter Sunny Side Up  (F) Aug 5 2002 3073-1419456 v0204 Shaded Golden CPC
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