Offspring of:
Patrick Michael of Rocking L
(M) Mar 17 1946, 41-SB-678 v41, Black Persian
Sire Le Minuit Bleu Quentin  (M) Apr 22 1938 20-SB-051 v22 Blue Persian
Dam Desert June Bug  (F) Jul 16 1943 27-SB-785 v29 Black Persian
Litter 1
Aug 18 1953
Miltie of Rocking L  (F) Apr 9 1951 65-SB-820 v65 / ACFA P73-S55-1240 Tortoiseshell Persian
  1. Rocking L's Littlest  (F) Aug 18 1953 0147-000156 v98 / ACFA P73-S55-1244 Tortoiseshell Persian
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