The History of the Lynx Point Himalayan

by Kathy Durdick, Ristokat Himalayans & Persians

Originally published by - reprinted with permission

The latest color pattern to grace the show scene is that of the lynx point. Combining the beauty of the Himalayan, with a touch of "wild" look in their stripes, their stunning coloration has captured the heart of many breeders.

Although the Himalayan breed itself was the result of decades of planned breedings, the lynx point really came about by accident.

Milestones in the Development of the Lynx Point Himalayan

Mrs. Graziani (Jubilee cattery), who bred both Himalayans and Silvers in her cattery, had an accidental breeding between one of her Himalayans and one of her Silvers. She decided to keep one of the offspring from this breeding, and bred that kitten back to a Himalayan. From that breeding came the first lynxpoint - "Jubilee's Daneena" - who made her debut in the cat show world a year later. Inspired by Mrs. Graziani, several other breeders started lynx point programs, using the Silver or Silver Tabby persians to introduce the tabby pattern.

An example of an early lynx point Himalayan


In Florida, Carolyn Baker (Sandypaws cattery) discovered a surprise in her breeding program as well. A breeding a "tortoiseshell" CPC she had purchased (Pershima Daffodil), Carolyn was surprised when a seal point kitten from this breeding developed what she thought were ghost stripes. However, as she continued to grow up, the striping didn't go away as expected, but rather got more and more distinct. After many phone calls to other breeders to try and figure out what color this was, she finally discovered that what she had was a lynx point. Wondering where the tabby gene had come from, Carolyn determined that Daffodil was really a brown patched tabby, whose tabby gene had been passed down from shell and shaded cameos on her mother's side!

After failing to get enough "yes" votes from the Himalayan Breed Council for 4 consecutive years, the Seal Lynx Point and Blue Lynx Point are finally accepted, to compete in a single color class.

The first lynx point Himalayan to become a grand champion in CFA was GC Simla Solo, a blue lynx point male.

Tortie Lynx Point & Blue-Cream Lynx Point are accepted.
Flame Lynx Point, Cream Lynx Point accepted (Craig Rothermel asked to go on record at the time they were accepted, stating "the judges were going to have difficulty judging these colors". In truth, not only do the judges have difficulty, but so do many new breeders.)
Chocolate Lynx Point, Lilac Lynx Point, Chocolate Tortie Lynx Point, Lilac Cream Lynx accepted
The first lynx point Himalayan to earn a CFA National Win - GC, NW Oakheaven's Hook, Line, 'N Sinker, a seal lynx point male.
The first lynx point Himalayan to earn a CFA DM award - GC Peaceful Paws Pipeline, DM, a seal lynx point female.
Seal Lynx and Blue Lynx will each now have their own color class - all other lynx color will still compete together

Order and Year of Acceptance of the Himalayan Lynx Point Colors in CFA
1982 Seal Lynx Point and Blue Lynx Point are accepted.
1990 Tortie Lynx Point and Blue-Cream Lynx Point are accepted.
1993 Flame Lynx Point and Cream Lynx Point are accepted.
1994 Chocolate Lynx Point, Lilac Lynx Point, Chocolate-Tortie Lynx Point, and Lilac-Cream Lynx Point are accepted.


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